Monday, July 6, 2015


Edward Kareweh
By Duke Tagoe
Edward Kareweh, Deputy General Secretary of the General Agricultural Workers Union of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has called on the Government to move away from the export led development mindset. That mindset, he said, is as an ideological orientation which retards progress.

Pointing to a major flaw in government policy, he explained that our continuing support for every production that leads to export of raw materials reinforces our dependency because we do not produce what we consume at home.

“To use state resources to meet the taste of foreign consumers and further the development needs of external people is detrimental to the national interest and runs contrary to the principles that underline nation building.

Edward Kareweh was speaking at a workshop organized to evaluate the benefit of the Export Trade, Agricultural and Industrial Development Fund (EDAIF) for small holder farmers in the Brong Ahafo, Greater Accra and the Northern Regions.

The Export Development and Investment Fund (EDIF) currently the Export Trade, Agricultural and Industrial Development Fund (EDAIF) was established by the Export Development and Investment Fund Act, 2000 (Act 582), and it became operational in 2001 as an agency of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

The act was, however, amended in 2001 by the Export Development and Investment Fund (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act 823), to expand the scope of application of the fund to include the development and promotion of agro-processing industry, hence the change of the name of the fund to EDAIF.

EDAIF operates by handing over money to designated financial instructions or banks like Stanchart, Stanbic and the ADB. These banks then evaluate prospective applicants to find out about their financial viability before they get the funding. The challenge for many farmers is that they need to write proposals which are assessed to find out if they meet the criteria. This presents a challenge for most farmers who cannot read nor write good proposals.

In spite of the concerns raised, Micheal Awuku, a top official at the EDAIF Secretariat says export oriented development is the bulwark of the economic policy of the Government of Ghana  adding that the main thrust of Government's foreign trade policy has been the endorsement of Private Sector led export development. He said the policy would offer the country substantial increase in foreign exchange receipts and appreciable opportunity for growth but Ben Kanati, a rice farmer from Ashaiman disagrees.

According to him funding that encourages the production of cash crops for foreign markets does not benefit small holders who produce local and indigenous crops to feed the majority of the Ghanaian people. “That attitude deprives local farmers of the needed revenue to expand and grow more to meet the local market. On the other hand pressure builds for lower tariffs for already highly subsidised imported goods which in turn affect government’s tax revenue. When that happens, it constrains government space and we end up going to borrow from IMF and the World Bank with attendant negative social consequences.

The primary source of funding for the EDAIF fund is money realized from the divestiture of state enterprises.

Madam Victoria Adongo, Programmes Officer of the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana says small farmers also want to go commercial by expanding not for export but to meet the increasing demand for the local market. According to her, a halt in the import of frozen chicken and support to the local poultry industry will also benefit maize and soya farmers because they provide quality feed for the poultry industry. 

In his contribution to the discussion, Kweku Boateng, a vegetable farmer explained that South Africa has the biggest vegetable market in the world because the government set up councils to support farmers. According to him, vegetable farmers in Johannesburg for instance send their produce to the Johannesberg Food Council who buys them and sell on the local market. Cocoyam, potato and cassava farmers have grades which determine the prices of their produce.

Mr Boateng is calling on EDAIF to use the money in their possession to build infrastructure and make markets available for farmers to sell the product of their labour, make money and thereby remove the over reliance on grant and credit facilities.


The African Centre for Biodiversity
PO Box 29170, Melville 2109 South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)11 486 1156
The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has today released a new report titled, GM and seed industry eye Africa’s lucrative cowpea seed markets: The political economy of cowpea in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Malawi.  The report shows a strong interest by the seed industry in commercialising cowpea seed production and distribution in West Africa, where a very lucrative regional cowpea seed market is emerging. Cowpea, one of the most ancient crops known to humankind, with its centre of origin in Southern Africa, provides the earliest food for millions of Africans during the ‘hungry season’ before cereals mature.

The report argues that the GM cowpea push in Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Ghana co-incides with this strong interest from multinational and local seed companies to produce foundation and certified seed in West Africa.

Commercialising Seed Production
According to Mariam Mayet of the ACB, “There is a corporate push backed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the G8 New Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition to harmonise seed laws and intellectual property rights legislation on the basis of the Union for the Protection of Plant Varieties (UPOV) 1991. This push seeks to create regional markets for crops that otherwise would not have the economies of scale for corporate investment. Corporate investment in regional seed markets relies on varieties being released onto regional lists and that are immediately made available at national levels without further trials. It is within this context that the push for the harmonisation of seed laws at regional levels must be understood.”

According to the ACB, the danger of commercialisation of seed production is that it is accompanied by the locking out of smallholder farmers from seed production and distribution- essential life processes in African agriculture. Farmers will be transformed from active participants in the cowpea value chain, to mere passive consumers of expensive certified seed produced elsewhere.

The GM cowpea push
The pro-GM organisation, the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), is spearheading a GM cowpea project aimed at commercially growing  Bt cowpea in Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso. Field trials of the Bt cowpea underway in Nigeria and Burkina Faso are at advanced stages, with commercialisation expected in 2016/17. The GM cowpea project is funded by USAID, the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID) and the Rockefeller Foundation. The GM cowpea contains the Cry1Ab Bt gene developed by Monsanto. The genetic engineering of the Bt cowpea was conducted by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, previously involved in a biosafety scandal.

GM cowpea threatens food sovereignty
Mariann Bassey-Orovwuje of Environment Rights Action Nigeria concurs with the ACB report that the the introduction of GM cowpea “will pose a serious threat to food sovereignty in West Africa where cowpea occupies a clearly defined social, economic, nutritional and agro-ecological niche. Cowpea connects agriculture to the local environment; consumers to locally produced healthy foods; and farmers to productive resources such as locally enhanced seeds. The commercialisation of cowpea seed production in Africa will dislocate such a locally interconnected system.”

Reductionist solution
The GM cowpea is engineered to be resistant to the Maruca legume pod borer on the basis that “farmers in West Africa have identified Maruca insects as major problems in cowpea production.”

However, according to the ACB report, farmers are confronted with a myriad of agronomic and post-harvest challenges. The Bt solution responds only to one narrow aspect of production (pod borer), and it requires a significant increase in input cost, despite viable methods of biological control already in practice amongst farmers.

Dangerous opening for commercialising seed production
According to Bern Guri of CIKOD in Ghana, “Traditional farming practices based on recycling farm-saved seed and the use of locally-adapted seed varieties are threatened by a transgenic variety of cowpea that would set a precedent for the systematic commodification of cowpea seeds. Farmers can ill afford the costs of GM seeds and the associated agro-chemical inputs required by the use of these seeds. The high prices that characterise the GM technological package will contribute to jeopardising already fragile socio-economic systems.”

Risk to human health and environment
Bright Phiri from Commons for EcoJustice in Malawi, is also concerned that the Bt cowpea has been developed using the Cry1Ab gene, the same gene contained in Monsanto’s GM maize event, MON810. According to Phiri “the health risks associated with MON810 have been clearly established and are deeply concerning.”

The report also cautions that the Bt-gene will escape from domesticated to wild and cultivated cowpea, which will trigger unknown and irreversible adverse ecological impacts.

Socially just and ecologically sustainable solutions
The report concludes that rather than promoting a tragically flawed agricultural development model that brings enormous risks, solutions are to be found in more sustainable social, economic and agro-ecological food production systems.  The ACB continues to insist that an equitable and sustainable solution to seed production and distribution can only come from direct engagement with farmers and their organisations to ensure their active involvement in these activities.



Mariam Mayet:
Bern Guri:
 Mariann Bassey-Orovwuje
Bright Phiri: