Thursday, December 13, 2012

Palestinian UN status could not be blocked

By Jim Dean
Despite all of Israel's threats of 100% aid cut offs, collected taxes not remitted, and refusing to discuss a peace settlement or their WMD programs, Palestinian UN status is marching forward. The future is on its side, and not on Israel's.

The Security Council could not block the non-member status vote, which certainly passed. The Israelis are retreating to their second line of defense and have revealed for all to see a long time Achilles heel, a possible fatal one.

We got a clue “today”, not really a surprise, that Britain would back the non-member status which allows bringing cases to the criminal court, IF Abbas agrees to relinquish the right to do so. I am not making this up.

Britain wants to make an already very limited UN standing on an almost empty one, which would just be another Palestinian leadership humiliation the Israelis love doing so much. The Likuds don't want to see a stream of Israeli political and military leaders in the dock for crimes against humanity.

It is a legitimate fear as they are more than guilty. Having been a terrorist was a big resume enhancer for Israeli politicians for decades...Golda Meir, Begin, Shamir, Sharon. In fact this is Israelis' key issue now. They are desperate to try to ensure that the Palestinians do not have that ICC card to play.

Even though Abbas has even agreed not to make an ICC bid for six months, the Israelis are shaking. Let's take a look at the feints and threats that have been put into play.

First, if the Palestinians get the UN observer status they want, membership in the ICC is not guaranteed. It must be applied for by a 'state'. In a situation with some grey areas about what is a state, the UN membership is to be consulted. That could be a majority vote, and maybe not. But I would bet my money that they would get in.

Many of the world's Intel people will be most helpful to the court I can assure you, as it will be payback time for all the nasties that Israel has inflicted on so many for so many years.

Why are the US, Britain, and Germany so concerned with running interference for Israel to protect them from the ICC? Is it because they fear that Israel could tell tales that these countries supported events for which the Israelis were being charged, and find themselves in the dock, also?

One certain event would be the US involvement in the 1967 war. It is widely known in the retired Intel community that the US was involved in the planning and participated in the war on the side of the Israelis. It was done as part of a Cold War move on the Soviets where Johnson was trying to get the public's focus off of the Vietnam debacle. He was desperate to save his presidency and the Israelis smelled blood in the water.

The Israelis suckered Johnson into a pretended short war to take out all the Soviet armor and planes on the Egyptian front. But the Israelis pulled a fast one, planning to hit Jordan and Syria, also. The USS Liberty had to be taken out as it would have intercepted the major troop and armor formations moves to pull it off.

Americans participated in the ghost signals net left on the Egyptian front to pretend that the Israeli divisions were still there, facing the Egyptians. Some of our Air Force people were forced to fly post attack air recon for damage assessment missions over the Egyptian front. The photos even appeared in Life Magazine.

People in the photo Intel business knew that the Israelis did not have that capacity at the time. We did. This is probably still classified but you can read most of it in Operation Cyanide, by British author Peter Hounan, a fabulous book.
US participation in the '67 war was illegal of course, and this is why the Johnson administration could do nothing to punish the Israelis, and he humiliated the Navy by forcing them to rig the naval inquiry to confirm the accident version. It was an act of treason for those involved. Our current Senator John McCain's father, Admiral McCain did the dirty work, something that seems to have run in the family.

Next up, we had the Mid East de-nuclearization conference postponed last week. We hear that Israel did not want to attend because the arrangements were not in place where everyone would pretend that Israel's WMD programs not only would not be discussed but did not exist. The US State Department was once again running interference for Israel, thus making us a continuing co-conspirator in their illegal WDM stockpiles.

Once again we have America throwing its credibility out the window before such an important conference even gets started, The only card the poor taxpayers have to play at the end of the day is paying for everything, indentured servitude to Israel, with a twist of Talmud thrown in.

Let's fast forward to the most recent threats, or what might be termed 'bullying' toward the Palestinians. The US had already cut off some of the West Bank funding after the 2011 UN bid, and has threatened to cut off the USD 300 million currently given. Israel has threatened to withhold collected taxes to starve out the Palestinian Authority.
That's just the money squeeze. It gets worse. Israel has played a legal card. Are you sitting down? Lior Ben Dor, the Israeli foreign ministry spokesman has said that the Abbas UN bid would be a breach of the Oslo Accords!! Mind you, this legalism card is being played by those who invaded the country and ethnically cleansed it to provide what the Nazis called 'lebensraum' (growing space) for all the world's Jews that the Zios were anticipating moving to Israel.

I have saved the best (or the worst) for last. Yes...the Liduds have threatened sanctions on the destitute Palestinians, that if cases were brought to the ICC they would consider more drastic steps. It's dramatic pause time to let that sink in a bit.

They made a big mistake here, the Israelis. They mentioned the 'S' word, sanctions, as in imposing them unilaterally. If I had been advising the Israelis, I would have told them to not dare mention sanctions because, heaven forbid, someone might suggest, “Hey, why don't we impose sanctions on the Israel for a whole bunch of things that they have done.”

The list is long and their WMD programs should be right at the top. The US would be caught in a snare as they are not supposed to provide aid to such states, Pakistan being the other exception. We now have on the table one of the main goals of Israeli Lobbies in the major western countries, to see to it that any movement toward sanctions on Israel would trigger their political terrorism brigades to nip that in the bud.

So a lot of cards are in play here. We have crimes against humanity cases ready to go to the ICC, Israelis holding out participating in any de-nuclearization conferences without agreement that Israeli WMD will not be discussed, and the settlements continuing to be built while they drag peace negotiations on for years. And the Israelis want to starve the Palestinians while doing this.

Why should the rest of us endure all that? Why not just do the crimes against humanity and the sanctions going at the same time, and cut off all US aid as being illegal. If the Israelis think this is a cool thing to do, let's just do it to them.

But I am not done yet. Why not also refer to the ICC war crimes cases another pile of the names of all those who aided and abetted in these Israeli crimes. We have the Nuremberg precedent to go after Quislings. We have plenty of them here in America and getting a good list together could be done overnight.

American policy with Israel has been bankrupt for many decades. It never has been in America's interest, and never will be. Just the declassified material alone on the relationship is shocking, but few ever read it. Steven Green's 1983 book, Taking Sides, is a good place to start. The classified material is even worse, which is why they hide it from the American people.

Yes, sanctions against Israel. It's the right time. We can always tell them we never would have thought of it if they had not brought it up to use against the poor Palestinians. And it would not be cruel either, as we would be saving Judaism from the Radical Zionists. And after sanctions, comes you know what....Reparations!!! We already have a template that we can use from you know who.

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