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US President Barack Hussien Obama |
By Joseph Zrnchik
Much Zionist propaganda has been written about why Iran
should not be allowed a nuclear energy program for peaceful purposes.
The US has come up with a pile of illogical rationalities, outright fallacies and propaganda in hopes of denying Iran the modernity it claims to seek to promote throughout the Middle East and Southwest Asia. However, US objections might as well have come from the mouth of Ehud Barak himself as the US lists what it claims to be its concerns, concerns that in no way violate international law, upset international stability or threaten the balance of power according to a growing number of American foreign policy think tanks, policy wonks, former defense officials and statesmen who understand that war does not bring peace, prosperity, security or liberty.
Individuals such as Kenneth Waltz argue that Iran needs a bomb to ensure the West does not attack it. A growing number of US groups and individuals claim it is only through a militaristic paradigm of what had been the Cold War policy between the US and the former U.S.S.R., that of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), that Iran can ensure its security and maintain a just peace.
Iran rejects this paradigm and has stated the three most effective ways to promote peace are through international justice, the adherence to international treaties and the working towards a nuclear-free Middle East. Few Americans understand that these three foundational underpinnings are constantly undercut by the US due to the control wielded by the Zionist lobby through the US media, its control of the US political process and its position of influence within the US defense establishment that blackmails the US into exercising its veto authority as a member of the UN Security Council.
Iran’s leadership has stated it is a great sin against Islam to seek nuclear weapons. The IAEA and the US’ Central Intelligence Agency have both stated Iran does not have a nuclear weapon program and has abided by the IAEA and NPT protocols, going above and beyond what measures are needed to ensure compliance.
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Israeli Terrorist PM Nyetenyahu |
The greatest threat to the IAEA and NPT is the US’ refusal
to abide by its provisions. Countries have learned that to disarm in exchange
for security guarantees is as an effective means of foreign policy as deciding
to become the willing rape victim of colonialists and imperialists.
Yet, the world is bombarded with Zionist propaganda because Israel fears Iran gaining the technical knowledge that would come to any nation building a nuclear energy program. But, knowledge is as an unavoidable by-product of scientific endeavor in nuclear energy and medicine as spent fuel rods are that require reprocessing in order to produce more electrical energy.
Unfortunately, when one reads the US media, he is bombarded
with the Zionist meme of Israelis claiming Iran wants to wipe them and Israel
off the map. One wonders how this can be accomplished considering Iran has no
nuclear weapons and the only nation to have used them, the US, proved it was
unable to wipe Japan or the Japanese people off the map.
The Israelis constantly spout hysterics and feign fear, but the leadership in Iran has proven itself much more stable, sane, logical, and peaceful than the Zionist regime that is destroying itself and demonstrating its illegitimacy due to its criminality. This ruse of Israelis claiming security concerns requires the US to make payouts to regimes across the globe, and the entire world participates in what they know is a charade to garner a small share of an increasingly diminishing dollar from a nation that is diminishing in influence and stability due to its absurd foreign and domestic policy positions.
The erosion of US domestic tranquility comes as a natural by-product of engaging in international lawlessness, but Americans have not yet realized that you cannot be a nation of laws domestically while engaging in a global crime spree abroad that includes illegal invasions, violations of international law with regard to the Geneva Convention and human rights and the use of torture and murder as the cornerstones of foreign policy. The Saudi and Bahraini regimes make pacts with the US, and hence indirectly with Israel. However, it is difficult to see who is getting the worse end of the deal as every US partner seeks to place the US into wars that need not be fought for any legitimate American interests, but instead to the detriment of them.
To see a vulgar display of US duplicity and hypocrisy one needs to look no farther than the US violating the Geneva Convention with respect to perpetrating regime change, waging aggressive war, engaging in torture and murder, conducting extraordinary renditions and providing support for terrorist organizations like the MEK [MKO], PPK, Jundullah and now al-Qaeda in Syria. This is the method the US uses to ensure its way of life. The US has a long history of enlisting terrorist support in the implementation of a terrorist foreign policy, and this policy is causing more and more nations to realize they do not need the US to engage mutually beneficial trade, cultural exchange or military agreements as such are growing to the exclusion of US interests and influence.
The BRICS nations, Latin America and even Iraq are engaging in cooperation with their neighbors much to the dismay of the power structures within the US establishment. The US’ last unexploited frontier is Africa, but with China looking for investments so as to have something to do with the trillions of US dollars it holds, the US may end up a day late and trillions of dollars short. It is in such an environment the US then begins to pit tribes, ethnic groups, religious groups and political groups against each other. This is the tried and true method of conducting imperial conquest. Sell weapons to one group so the other will need more. Since the US does not make much else in the way of consumer goods, it has to rely on the business of mass slaughter.
For every international law the US has broken, it feels its rationalizations provide it absolute justification. If Americans went in front of a US court using the logic and arguments the US government uses to excuse its murder, they would be given the electric chair within a fortnight. Image if a citizen used the arguments the US uses to attack other nations to preempt increasing instances of police violence Americans regularly suffer at the hands of “law enforcement.”
But, let’s consider what crimes Iranians had to suffer at the hands of America. All the way back in 1953, Operation TP-Ajax resulted in the CIA supporting the bombing of mosques in order to blame the crimes on the government of Mohammed Mossadegh. This resulted in the overthrow of his government and the execution of his cabinet ministers, not to mention the hundreds of deaths of innocent civilians. The US government felt this murder of Iranians was nothing more than the implementation of foreign policy. Americans accepted as rational and reasonable something that is so horrible and grotesque that it ought to be a crime that should never to be forgotten and would rightfully serve as a rallying point for all Iranian patriots for all time.
This was not the last of the crimes Iranians suffered at the hands of Americans. The US then installed the Shah of Iran whose SAVAK [Intelligence Agency] then exterminated all political opposition from 1953 to 1979 when the people finally decided they could no longer suffer the tyrant and overthrew him.
Instead of America being ashamed of what it had done to a country that had not waged an aggressive war in generations, the US decided to encourage, support, and provide economic and military assistance to Saddam to wage a war of aggression against Iran that would cost a peaceful Iran hundreds of thousands of lives. The U.S. actually gave Saddam the chemical weapons and production capabilities he used to slaughter Iranians, Iraqi Shiites, and Iraqi Kurds. Not once did the US media mention the UN, international law, or Iraqi WMDs during the 8-year Iraq-Iran War.
Then the US decided to atomize the very country for allegedly having the weapons the US gave it, knowing full well the weapons had already been destroyed. If Saddam had WMDs, he would be as safe and secure as Kim Jong-il’s North Korea, or Pakistan and India. Also, Iraq would have been under no more obligation to follow international law than the US or Israel. Speaking of Israel, look what their illegal nuclear program conducted in absolute secrecy in violation of international law and IAEA protocols has allowed it to do. The Israeli nuclear program has allowed Israel to unilaterally make piracy, ethnic cleansing and genocide legal, acceptable and tolerable to the US and NATO.
After the Shah was deposed in 1979 and the US goaded Saddam to attack Iran, the US decided it wanted to test its new anti-aircraft weapon systems deployed on the USS Vincennes as it proceeded to shoot an Iranian airliner out of the sky knowing full well it was a commercial aircraft. IR Flight 655 with 290 innocent civilians was blasted out of the sky while the US refused an apology and the commander of the ship was awarded military decorations and honors for his slaughter of innocent civilians. Here is the whole history of that episode that was hidden from the American people:
This was after the US began attacking oil platforms and Saddam had killed Iranians with US supplied chemical weapons and production capability.
Not only do the US people not want to know the truth, they
would refuse to believe the truth no matter what facts were presented. They
literally believe the US would never do something as heinous as engaging in
terrorism, but wishful thinking does not create reality. The fact is that if
the US inspects a nation and finds it has no means of resistance, it will then
conduct its attack to get its way. It is a nation’s failure to have a credible
deterrent that creates a destabilizing situation. If Iran had nukes it would
stand no chance of attack and would have the power to execute its foreign
policy as an equal among equals. But, the bullying has cost the US as more and
more nations balance against its power and the US relies more and more on
military might for its influence.
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Israeli Terrorist PM Nyetenyahu |
All the things I have mentioned in this article are all on the CIA website, in Wikipedia, and common knowledge for people who seriously research American foreign policy. It is accepted fact throughout the political spectrum from Ron Paul on the right of the political spectrum to Noam Chomsky on the left. In reference to the suppositions posited here, there is no argument by those who seriously dissect and study American foreign policy and its impact on the world.
It is the fact is that the majority of Americans are so stupid and gullible that they will believe any pro-Zionist US imperial propaganda amplified in the media. These same people are so intellectually lazy that they can’t take the time to cut and paste a speech into Google Translator to get at the truth of a matter; moreover, they would rather not get at the truth. The success of American propaganda is in keeping the top 20% of the population misinformed as the other 80% are enamored by sports, celebrity, political divisiveness, and the numerous other distractions that keep people from understanding the plans and actions of the power elite.
In short, I have no faith in the US and its foreign policy. Its foreign policy abuses, crimes and tyrannies are being mirrored in its domestic policy, criminal justice system, tax code, and failure to abide by the US Constitution.
It is a matter of time now before the US destroys itself
after it inflicts the misery on its own people it has until now only exported.
I can’t say we, as Americans don’t deserve retribution for our ignorance and
apathy. We are as responsible for what our government does as any other nation
is for its government, at least this is what our government says as it bombs
and kills civilians by the scores, especially in countries with no navy, army
or air force.
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