By Kevin Barrett

I reassured him that I have never denied any of the many holocausts and genocides. I explained that as soon as I became a well-known critic of the official myth of 9/11, someone with a lot of money and power launched a defamation campaign against me, inventing a false story that I endorsed three "holocaust deniers," two of whom I had never even heard of. Despite the fact that this absurd story was invented out of whole cloth, "sourced" to an obscure posting on some crank's blog, Wikipedia refused to remove it.
"I - I lost my whole extended family in the holocaust," the guy sputtered. I said I was sorry to hear that.
But he still didn't seem to understand that I had been defamed, that someone was trying to smear 9/11 truth people as "holocaust deniers" in order to prevent people like him from looking into 9/11.
I patiently explained this to him. He still didn't get it. Deep inside his brain, some emotional core had been permanently branded with an indelible connection between "9/11 truth professor" and "holocaust denier." And he couldn't get past it. Like a person given a powerful post-hypnotic suggestion, he was no longer able to think about the issue. He could only feel - wave after wave of anxiety. And those waves of anxiety washed away his capacity for independent, critical thought.
That is precisely what accusations of "anti-Semite" and "holocaust denier" are meant to do. Any time you hear these expressions (and their close relative, "conspiracy theorist") you can be sure that whoever is using them is trying to cover up dangerous thoughts - to prevent people from entertaining ideas that threaten the powers-that-be.
Yes, I recognize that not everyone who uses these expressions is consciously part of a thought-suppression campaign. Most are just parroting the words of the master hypnotists to whom they are in thrall.
The latest example: A handful of shills pretending to be pro-Palestine activists, and their legions of dupes, have smeared Greta Berlin with the magic words of calumny. Why? Because Greta supposedly posted a Tweet linking a Youtube of a speech by Eustace Mullins!
The weird thing is, none of the anti-Greta hit pieces even mention what the offensive Youtube WAS. They just say she "Tweeted an anti-Semitic movie."
How could anyone possibly understand whether or not Greta actually did anything wrong, without knowing precisely what movie she tweeted, and what was in it?
Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz begin their hatchet-job on Greta:
"The important battle of explaining to people that opposing Zionism does not equal anti-Semitism was dealt a terrible blow this past week with the exposure of anti-Semitic tweets by a leader of the Free Gaza Movement, Greta Berlin. Wherever your line is for what's acceptable speech about Jews, Berlin's statements and attitude were over the line and have done great damage to the cause of ending the siege of Gaza and working towards justice in Israel/Palestine."
But what WERE her statements and attitude? How can we tell what lines she has or has not crossed, unless we know what she did? Weiss and Horowitz won't tell us!
I googled around and discovered that almost all of the anti-Greta hatchet jobs out there, pretty much cookie-cutter copies of Weiss and Horowitz, neglect to tell the reader what, precisely, Greta Berlin allegedly did.
Finally I found the Daily Beast, owned and run by the Israel lobby, at least had the decency to mention Greta's purported offense:
"On 30 September a tweet was made from the official Twitter account of the Free Gaza Movement which stated “Zionists Ran the Holocaust and the Concentration Camps.”
"The tweet linked to a video of an anti-Jewish diatribe by notorious anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist Eustace Mullins."
And the upshot is, Greta may or may not have intended the Tweet to be posted on the Free Gaza Twitter account, and may or may not have posted it in order to endorse it, stimulate thought about it, or oppose it.
Yet for some reason, a hysterical mob, the same folks who witch-hunted Gilad Atzmon, want to throw Greta off the pro-Palestine boat. And now they've thrown Col. Ann Wright off the next boat to Gaza. Why? Col. Wright is somehow "guilty by association" - because she has not joined the goose-steppers denouncing Greta Berlin.
Whatever this is about, it obviously is not about racism
Every major media outlet in the US is viciously, genocidally stealth-racist against Arabs and Muslims, far more than Eustace Mullins was ever racist against Jews. (The official story of 9/11, for example, plays on the ludicrous phantasm of vicious Arab Muslims slicing passengers' throats with box cutters and smashing planes into buildings - an image carefully designed by psy-ops experts to reinforce racist tropes about Arabs and Muslims, an image that has nothing to do with reality, least of all the reality of the 9/11 false-flag attack.)
Philip Weiss himself used to work for the New York Times - the most important propaganda cheerleader for both the genocidal myth of 9/11 AND the Palestinian genocide. The Times isn't just a bunch of holocaust deniers - they're holocaust perpetrators, and the holocaust they're perpetrating is still happening. Weiss has never sharply denounced the genocide perpetrators he spent his life working for. He's like a German who spent his life working for Goebbels, then retired and offered some fairly mild criticisms of his former boss. Yet nobody is going to throw Weiss out of the pro-Palestine movement for those "racist associations."
Obviously there is a double-standard at work
The real issue is not racism - it's the dangerous ideas of Eustace Mullins. Though some of Mullins' ideas may have been false and racist (all racist ideas are false) those ones aren't the problem, aren't the reason the mob of rabidly genocidal Zionists at the National Post and Jerusalem Post, and their brainwashed mob of zombie pseudo-pro-Palestinian witch hunters is going crazy, denouncing Greta Berlin while fearing to even mention the evil name "Eustace Mullins" just in case someone might actually listen to him, might actually watch his YouTubes and read his books.
It's the 90% of Eustace Mullins' ideas that are true that are the real problem.
As Wikipedia tells us:
"Mullins completed the manuscript (of Secrets of the Federal Reserve) during the course of 1950 when he began to seek a publisher. Eighteen publishers turned the book down without comment before the President of the Devin-Adair Publishing Company, Devin Garrett, told him, 'I like your book but we can't print it...Neither can anybody else in New York. You may as well forget about getting the [...] book published."
Mullins' book was unprintable not because it was racist - it wasn't - but because it threatened the real owners of the USA: The international criminal cabal that dominates global finance. As Woodrow Wilson said, speaking of this cabal: "Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Pro-Palestine activists need to know that the Zionist criminal cabal, the descendent of the moneylending crime cabals of medieval times, created Israel by murdering 100,000 Americans. Specifically, Baron Rothschild approached the British leadership in 1917 with an offer they couldn't refuse: Give us Palestine, and we'll make sure you defeat the Germans. Both sides made good on that promise.
The Rothschild Zionists used their domination of US media and finance to bring the US into World War I and defeat the Germans. In other words, the Zionists murdered more than 100,000 Americans, by dragging the US into a war it had no reason to fight, in order to launch the Palestinian genocide.
This information is true, widely admitted to be true by historians, but suppressed from the public consciousness. Eustace Mullins gives it a voice. The cabal responds by trying to silence him.
Did the same Zionist international banking cabal finance Hitler's rise to power, and thus indirectly create the Nazi holocaust? According to Mullins, "Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the House of Morgan were fronts for the Rothschilds...he also outlined how financial interests connected to the J. Henry Schroder Company and the Dulles brothers financed Adolf Hitler…"
The Zionists and the Nazis had the same goal: Get the Jews out of Europe. They had the same modus operandi: Whip up extreme nationalism by playing on feelings of victimization. They used the same tactics: Launch wars and hate campaigns using false flag attacks like 9/11 and the Reichstag Fire; find "racially inferior" enemies to demonize, and go out and kill them by the millions. (The Zionists are still doing that to Arabs and Muslims.)
Zionism and Nazism both inculcated racial superiority, by claiming to be the "master race" or the "chosen people." They both scorned existing national borders and launched endless wars for lebensraum - wars that could only end in their own inevitable total destruction.
The Nazis tried to create a "Greater Germany" embracing much of the European heartland; the Zionists are trying to create a "Greater Israel" stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates. In both cases, the only way to do that is perpetual war…war against an enemy with vastly greater population and resources…war that can only end in a gotterdamnerung or armageddon.
No sane person can deny that Nazism and Zionism are mirror images of each other.
Mullins' claim that the Rothschild banking cartel that
created Israel also created Hitler and his holocaust may or may not be true.
But it is certainly worth investigating. And it is certainly not racist.
It isn't racist to say there's an Italian mob in your city, and to name the capos.
It would be racist, or at least bigoted, to say "all Italians are mobsters."
Slamming the Rothschild crime syndicate, Zionism, and/or Rothschild Zionism is NOT racism, any more than slamming Don Corleone is italophobia, or exposing the Ibn Saud crime family is Islamophobia. Blaming ordinary Jews, like the guy I met at the conference, for the actions of the Rothschilds, would be stupid, bigoted, maybe racist. But I don't do that. Hardly anyone does…except for the paid Mossad shills, doing their part to cover up the truth and protect the banksters by keeping alive the myth of widespread pernicious anti-Semitism.
When the Israel lobby front group the ADL smeared me recently, for the second time, as an "anti-Semite," they did not even try to argue that I harbor any prejudice toward ordinary Jews, or towards Jews as Jews. Instead, they say (correctly) that I argue that the destabilization of Syria serves the interests of Zionism, that I am a critic of pro-Israel forces, that I argue that 9/11 was a coup d'état by a pro-Israel faction of the US government, and so on. In other words, they are trying to suppress my dangerous ideas, which happen to be true, by "skunking" them with the emotionally-repugnant odor of racism.
And they are trying to suppress Press TV, not because it focuses exclusively on these dangerous ideas, but because it allows them to be heard alongside other, competing viewpoints. The witch-hunters know they can't win a debate against Eustace Mullins' views of the Zionist international banking cabal, or my arguments about 9/11. Their only hope is to completely suppress such viewpoints, stigmatize them, paralyze people's brains so they can't even entertain such ideas.
That is their dirty little secret: By stigmatizing the work
of Press TV, Eustace Mullins, and 9/11 truth supporters like me, the
witch-hunters are not protecting ordinary Jews from racism. Instead, they are
protecting the interests of the Zionist bankster cabal, by using deep-seated
emotional conditioning - Pavlovian aversion therapy - to suppress free thought
and critical inquiry, to suppress the truth about what Israel really is.
And they need to keep suppressing the truth about the banksters for the same reason they need to keep suppressing the truth about 9/11. Such truths threaten to undermine the US and Western support that props up both Israel and the bankster mob that owns and runs it…the same Israel-obsessed mob that has dominated the US since the Federal Reserve coup d'état of 1913, and completely controlled it since the coup d'état of September 11th, 2001.
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