Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Like there is no tomorrow

By Kevin Barrett

The powers that be have decided to ignore climate change, and pump carbon into the atmosphere like there's no tomorrow.

The USA is letting its infrastructure crumble like there's no tomorrow.

The Zionist-American axis is pushing its nuclear brinksmanship on Syria, Russia and Iran like there's no tomorrow.

The world's financial system, including the core institutions that hold it together - especially those institutions - is gambling, cheating, lying, and generally throwing money away like there's no tomorrow.
The Western powers, built on Enlightenment values, have thrown those values overboard and are rushing to build police states like there's no tomorrow.
We act as if we are in a tremendous hurry to destroy the Amazon rainforests, the lungs of the planet; overfish the oceans and fill them with plastic garbage and radioactivity; and deplete the last drop of groundwater in arid regions like the American West - all in absurd haste, like there's no tomorrow.

Maybe our leaders really believe that there IS no tomorrow?

Some doomsayer websites claim that the world will soon end: Planet X, a pole shift, interstellar radiation, or some other disaster will destroy human civilization. If this were true, and the top echelon of planetary leaders knew it, it would go a long way toward explaining the seemingly insane irresponsibility of Western leadership.

Religion and science fiction have long dabbled in apocalyptic scenarios. The Western monotheistic tradition has painted the “end times” as an era of wars and rumors of wars, plagues and natural disasters, immense oppression by tyrants seeking to extend their dominion over the entire world, and the return of a Messiah, Christ, and/or Mahdi to oppose those tyrants and lead humanity back to the right path.

Science fiction novels have explored similar themes. Anthony Burgess's End of the World News portrays a time when an upcoming collision with a rogue planetary body is about to destroy the world. (The expected catastrophic effects, incidentally, are very similar to the Qur'an's descriptions of mountains being scattered liked carded wool, the sun rising in the west instead of the east, and so on.)

In Burgess's novel, Westerners, faced with the impending end of the world, go crazy. They spend their money like there's no tomorrow. They party like there's no tomorrow. They do all kinds of crazy and irresponsible things, because they think their actions will have no consequences in the future - because there IS no future. In this, they act like the West's leadership has been acting in reality.
The world's great religious traditions tell us that this is the wrong way to behave. The Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him, famously said: "Even if the end of time is upon you and you have a seedling in your hand, plant it!"

The crazy irresponsibility of Western leadership may be a harmful side-effect of the Enlightenment. Religious tolerance, reason, and liberty were the core Enlightenment values. But the Enlightenment's focus on the physical, material world, and its tendency to ignore the world of the spirit, led to a general loss of religion in Western culture.

A non-religious person, faced with impending death, thinks: “Since I won't be here after I die, it really doesn't matter what I do now.” Such a person feels liberated from the bonds of responsibility, even of conscience. This is the “unbearable lightness of being” described by Milan Kundera.

A truly religious person, by contrast, knows that he or she will be judged for his or her actions in the afterlife. As death approaches, he or she typically becomes even more concerned with acting ethically and morally. Even if it seems that the end is near, such a person plants a tree, rather than cutting down a rainforest.

This is one of the reasons we know that 9/11 was not committed by Muslims. The alleged hijackers spent their last days and weeks on earth snorting cocaine, drinking large amounts of alcohol, consorting with prostitutes, gambling, and stuffing themselves with pork chops. No Muslim - not even a lukewarm or lapsed Muslim - would behave this way. Some spent what we are told was their last night on earth getting drunk in a bar. (Research by Jay Kolar, published in Paul Zarembka's The Hidden History of 9/11, suggests that many if not all of the alleged hijackers were identity theft victims impersonated by drug-smuggling intelligence agents, who did not do a very good job of playing the role of Muslim extremists.)
Yes, I know there are some extremely irresponsible “religious” people - almost all of them in the Bible Belt of the USA - whose utterly insane behavior is linked to their belief that the world will soon end. These people, who tend to be from uneducated backgrounds, have been brainwashed by the tens of millions of Scofield Bibles printed and distributed by Zionists, and the accompanying Zionist-sponsored Sunday morning “Christian” TV.

These unfortunate people are conditioned to believe that the Zionist genocide of the Palestinians is a good thing, because it is a sign that Jesus will come back soon to kill all the non-Scofield-Bible-Christians - including all the Jews and Muslims - with nuclear weapons. They expect Jesus to murder most of the planet's population from his outpost on Meggido hill in Occupied Palestine. (May God protect us from such blasphemy toward His prophet!)

These crazy, Zionist-brainwashed “Christians” would be a joke if they weren't so numerous and influential. Unfortunately, the joke is on us. The cretinous imbeciles actually decide American elections! Worse, they scheme to start World War III, which they believe will force Jesus to come back. (See Forcing God's Hand by Grace Halsell.) They have infiltrated the US military services, especially the Air Force, in large numbers, and in August of 2007 they stole nuclear weapons from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, allegedly as part of a plan to destroy Chicago in a false-flag attack designed to trigger World War III.

But these people are not truly religious. They are the product of a secular age, a secular nation, and a secular belief system (Zionism). Their madness is an extreme form of the inherent madness of a system that ignores the reality of the world of the spirit, and ignores the reality that everyone will be judged for his or her actions in the afterlife.

For even if there is no tomorrow on earth, there is one inevitable future that awaits all of us: God's judgment.

So even if our lunatic leaders are destroying the planet like there's no tomorrow, we must continue to plant our seedlings. Since only God knows when the world will end, it is always possible, however improbable it may seem, that those seedlings will grow into trees that shade and nourish our children and grandchildren

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